Balance and Coordination
Early Years Resources stocks a wide selection of balance toys and equipment for children and sensory toys for children to aid gross motor skills development. Our range of balance toys and balancing equipment improves the large muscle groups of the body that enable us to stand, walk and throw.
Children's Balance Toys & Equipment - our range of balance toys and balancing equipment includes stilts, maze balance boards, and stepping stones.
Children's Balance Beams - our selection of balance beams includes walk boards and a balance landscape.
Strengthening children's balance and coordination skills will not only improve their motor skills and agility but will also give them the confidence to master complex moves. Our products are selected with children in mind and are designed to support their growth and development. Choose from a large selection of children's balance toys and equipment that can be used indoors or outdoors to suit the needs of your pupils and continue to aid learning and development.
Further your balance and coordination sessions with our other physical development resources we offer including climbing frames and slides, play tunnels, soft play equipment, climbing blocks and outdoor play equipment for schools.